Are the red sores on scalp lupus? Lupus is a chronic inflammation of the skin known to cause dark red patches. So yes, the painful sores appearing on your head could very well be caused by lupus. In this article, we shall provide you with other possible causes of the sores, pictures of how the sores appear and the available treatment options to get rid of the sores.

It is embarrassing, uncomfortable and frustration when sore start to appear on your head. This worsen even more when the sores are accompanied with symptoms like hair loss. Hair loss medically known as Alopecia, can be temporary or permanent. The common form or hair loss is referred to as androgenetic alopecia, meaning caused by a combination of heredity (genetics) and androgen hormones.
Sores on scalp causes
Sores on scalp appear due to different reasons. Stress is one of those causes. Anxiety is believed to cause a number of physical and chemical changes in the body. It is thus possible to say stress could lead to physical symptoms such as dry mouth, sweaty palms, sore on body and pain. According to dermatologists and other health researches, psoriasis has been found to worsen during times of stress.
Skin cancer is the other possible cause of these sores. Squamous cell skin cancer that appears as a firm, red nodule or flat lesion with scaly and crusted surface is a common cause of scalp sores. Too most people, the symptoms of skin cancer on scalp can var. it could appear as a large brownish spot with darker speckles or a simple mole that changes in color, size or feel.
Other possible cause of the sores will include psoriasis, folliculitis, seborrheic dermatitis, hair loss, ringworm and contact dermatitis.
Sores on Scalp Lupus
As introduced above, lupus is a chronic auto immune disease that causes inflammation throughout the body. When diagnosed with an auto immune disorder, it means your body’s own immune system is responsible for the inflammation and breakdown of its own cells.
With lupus the inflammation can affect various organs and tissues in your body. Many dermatologist will tell you that lupus is a complex and poorly understood condition that affects many parts of the body. The symptoms accompanying lupus can range from mild to life threatening. A common cause of lupus is allergic drug reaction also known as drug-induced lupus.
Depending on the area infected, lupus can cause a wide range of symptoms. The symptoms can disappear suddenly, they ca be permanent of flare up occasionally. This symptoms will include:
- Pain and selling
- Rashes if occurring on face, hands and body
- Joint pain
- Body arches
- Skin sores
- Dry eyes
- Fatigue and general tiredness
The actual cause of lupus is unknown, however, doctors and researchers insist of genetics and environmental triggers such as smoking, stress, toxins and silica dust to be among the common causes of the condition.
The treatment and medication for the condition will depend on the signs and symptoms exhibited. After a careful discussion of the benefits and risk of what medication to use, your doctor will then prescribe the right dosage of medication agreed upon. To control lupus the following medication are commonly used.
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
- Antimalarial drugs
- Corticosteroid to count the inflammation of lupus
- Immunosuppressant for serious cases of lupus.
Red Sores on Scalp
What could be causing the red sores on scalp? The first and the most common cause could be fungal scalp infection. Also known as scalp ringworm. Ringworms is a skin infection caused by a fungus, it is common in children though it could affect anybody. Antifungal creams and oral pill are used to treat this kind of infection. As an addition to the treatment, an antifungal shampoo may be used.
Ringworm infection can be transmitted from person to person by sharing towels, hair combs or physical touching. The fungus can also be contracted from animal or just from “out of the blues.” With ringworm, those infected could have hair loss, at times painful blisters may appear and for children with severe infection, they may develop high fever.
Seborrheic eczema is the other possible cause of the red sores appearing on your scalp. Also known as seborrheic dermatitis, is a red itchy rash appearing on scalp. The rash could also have flaky scales. It is a chronic relapsing and usually a mild dermatitis. Dandruff is a type of this infection where inflammation is not present. Topical antifungal can be used to effectively treat the infection.
The other possible cause of the sores could be Psoriasis. Just like seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis is a skin condition marked with red, itchy skin inflammations. Psoriasis is a chronic auto immune condition that causes the rapid buildup of skin cells. The inflammation and redness around the scales is fairly common. Depending on the type of psoriasis one is infected with, the symptoms will vary from one person to the other.
The symptoms of psoriasis will include the following:
- Red inflamed patches on scalp
- Dry skin that bleeds and cracks
- Itching and burning sensation
- Soreness around patches.
Those with less common type of psoriasis will experience different symptoms from the ones listed above. The condition is not contagious. That is to say, you can’t pass the skin condition from one person to the other. The actual cause of psoriasis is unknown but health researchers believe the condition to relate to genetics and the immune system.
The red sores appearing on scalp could also be caused by lice. Lice are small, grayish-brown insects that live on humans. The bite through skin and can live in the blood of the host. Lice are common among school children. They are spread through direct head to head contact and by sharing items including combs, brushes, scarves or hats with an infected person.
Different insecticides and shampoo purchased over the counter can be used to treat the infection by killing the head lice. With the treatment, the eggs can be hard to get rid of, what you need to do is to repeat the treatment after seven days to completely get rid of the lice. Seek medical attention if the lice fail to go away.
Lichen planus, an inflammatory skin condition characterized by an itchy, non- infectious rash of small lesions can also be said to be the cause of the red sores appearing on your head. The rash can affect many parts of the body. As said, the condition is not infectious and cannot be passed from one person to another. It is not genetic, to mean it does not run in families.
Sores on Scalp Pictures
For visual assistance, we have provided images to help you understand how the sores in scalp look like. Remember the images are only for illustration purposes and cannot be used to substitute a professional health diagnosis.

The appearance of the sores might also vary depending on the underlying causes. It is advised you seek medical assistance for early diagnosis to also help on treatment and medication, this way, the chances of early recovery and control spread of the infection can be managed.
Itchy Sores on Scalp
Itchy sores on scalp are known to cause an uncomfortable sensation on the skin that causes a desire to scratch. On scalp, itching is common among those infested with hair lice or ringworm. The itching can also be caused by certain drugs and medication used to treat different underlying medical conditions.
Itchy skin can also be caused by Hodgkin’s disease, a malignant but often curable disease of the lymphatic tissues typically causing painless enlargement of the lymph node, liver and the spleen. To relieve the skin of the itching, tea tree oil, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar can be used to wash the scalp.
Topical anti-itching creams and shampoo can also be used to relieve the itching. Seek medical assistance if the itching persist.
Painful Sores on Scalp
Those with sores on scalp will in most cases complain of pain, irritation, burning sensation and inflammation. Most of these symptoms can be managed and controlled at home using natural remedies or over the counter topical ointments like anti-itching creams and gel.
Painful sore appearing on scalp are likely to be caused by conditions such as Acne, viral infection, allergic reaction to hair care products or infection of hair follicles. Other condition such as Lichen planus and ringworm can also cause your scalp to develop these painful sores.
Sores on Scalp and Face
It is very common for people with sores on scalp to spread to the face r those with sore on face to spread to the scalp. The sores especially those appearing on face will in most cases be accompanied with symptoms such as itching, irritation, burning sensation and pain.
Depending on the underlying cause of the sore, they can either be contagious or not. Sore appearing on both the face and scalp will in most cases be caused by systemic lupus erythematosus. This is an auto immune disorder where the body immune system attacks healthy body tissues. It commonly affects the joints, kidney, and brain. The condition can attack tissues of any of the body organ.
Sores on Scalp Hair Loss
Hair loss, medically referred to as alopecia can be temporary or permanent. The most common form of hair loss occurs gradually and is referred to ass androgenetic alopecia. In this cases, the hair loss is caused by a combination of hormonal changes and heredity which involves genetic makeup of those affected.
This form of hair loss is not contagious but can be inherited from parents to offspring’s. The other skin conditions that could result in sores on scalp with hair loss can include the following: male pattern baldness, alopecia areata, seborrheic dermatitis, nutritional deficiency, hyperthyroidism and lupus.
It is important to have a dermatologist diagnose the hair loss at an early stage. This will help treat the underlying condition causing the hair loss to prevent further scalp damage.
Sores on Scalp that Will Not Heal
Sores on scalp can be described as skin disorder. The condition therefore affect the skin on your scalp. There are very many factors therefore that could cause these kind of condition. Some of these causes will be more serious than others. It is important therefore to have a medical doctor examine and perform some test to establish the actual underlying cause for early treatment and medication.
Sores on scalp that won’t go away could be caused by any of the following:
- Bacterial infection
- Contamination of the hair follicles
- Deficiency of certain minerals
- General stress
- Poor or weak immune system
- Lack of proper hygiene
- Use of reactive medicines o chemical hair care products
The sores can be contagious in some cases. In that case, you ca contact the sores by sharing combs, hairbrushes, caps and other things with persons already infected. Some people will fail to treat the sores which could lead to dandruff, severe itching, hair loss and most of the times redness and irritation on scalp.
Sores on Scalp Treatment
The treatment for sores appearing on scalp will depend on the underlying cause of the sores and the symptoms accompanying the sores. For effective treatment, you need to have a dermatologist diagnose the condition to establish what the underlying cause of the sores are, after which, the effective treatment can be prescribed.
Depending on how severe or mild the infection causing the sores is, the treatment can range from topical to oral pills. For condition like psoriasis causing the sores, an immune suppressant can be used to reduce the hyperactivity of the immune systems. Corticosteroid can be injected to reduce chronic inflammations and swelling.
How to Get Rid Of Sores on Head Scalp – Home Remedies
Depending on how severe the sore are or hat the underlying cause of the bumps or lesion on scalp are, some of the symptoms like pain, irritation, inflammation and burning sensation can be managed at home using natural simple home remedies.
The response of the remedies will vary from person to person. If the symptoms seems to persist, of the sores increase or spread to other areas of the scalp, you need to immediately visit a health care provider, more specifically a dermatologist for professional assistance.
Below are some of the natural remedies you can used to relieve the scalp of the different symptoms accompanying the sores at home.
Indian lilac
Also known as Neem, Indian lilac is a well-known herb used in naturopathy and homoeopathic medicines. It has antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. More than 100 compounds are said to be contained din different parts of the herb.
The herb has antifungal and antibacterial properties that makes it very effective in treating dandruff and keeping the scalp heathy. It also relieve itching and dryness which are the two main symptoms of dandruffs.
To prepare and use the remedy, boil a handful of Indian lilac leaves in 4 cups of water. After the leaves color has fade and the water becomes green, allow the water to cool and use as a final rinse. The same remedy can be applied as a paste of neem powder mixed with water. Use the remedy twice or thrice a day until the sores or dandruff disappear completely.
Coconut oil
Coconut oil is derived from the cold pressed coconut kernels. The oil is said to contain lauric acid, a type of fatty acid shown to reduce inflammation, fungus, viruses and harmful microbes. In salad form, the oil can be used as a skin moisturizer, it can also be used as a topical treatment for psoriasis.
The most effective way of using the oil as a remedy is to apply it after shower, this is when your skin is most capable of trapping in moisture. After applying, leave the oil on for about half an hour. You could wrap your head with a warm towel.
When rinsing off the coconut oil from your scalp and hair, massage the scalp gently with your hands. Ripping the scales can cause irritation or could open up the scalp for infections. Gently comb the hair to remove any scales that could be trapped in your hair.
Apple cider vinegar
Organic apple cider vinegar can be used as an excellent treatment for hair and scalp. When used on dry hair, it cleanses and gives your hair more body and luster that reduces hair-loss. The antibacterial properties in vinegar also helps reduce itching, drying scalp and dandruff by destroying the bacteria or fungi that clog the hair follicles.
When used in the best way, apple cider vinegar can be a good remedy or health, hair and beauty. When used on scalp it makes your scalp healthy and shiny. It can help get rid of symptoms of skin condition such as psoriasis and dandruffs.
The remedy works in the following way:
- It disinfects the outer scalp by killing the fungus that caused by dry scalp. It also works to reduce the inflammation and itching caused by dry skin.
- For itchy scalp, cider vinegar contains antiseptic properties and is rich in malic acid that helps kill the virus and fungi causing itchy scalp.
- When apple cider is applied on dry scalp with sores and itching, it contain essential nutrients and alpha hydroxyl acids that helps exfoliate the top layer of the skin, this will help treat the scalp of common conditions like psoriasis..
- The remedy is also essential in removing dead cells from scalp and prevent the bacterial and fungal infection on scalp
Baking soda paste
Baking soda is the other readily available ingredient that can relieve an itchy scalp with painful sores. To do this, baking soda relieve the itching by exfoliating the scalp ad controlling the dandruff caused by over active fungi.
To prepare the remedy, mix a considerable amount of baking powder with some amount of water. Stir to mix until you achieve a smooth paste. Apply the paste directly on your scalp. For best and fast result, rub some olive oil on your scalp before applying the baking soda paste.
Allow the paste to soak in the scalp for ten to twenty minutes before rinsing it off with clean lukewarm water. Repeat the procedure twice or thrice a day for optimal result. If the sore or itching does not go away after using the remedy for a week, have a general practitioner diagnose to know what the underlying cause could be.
Olive oil
The other way to keep your scalp and hair healthy is by regularly applying olive oil. By doing this, you help protect your scalp and maintain healthy, shiny and beautiful hair. The oil is said to be full of antioxidants that help keeps scalp skin in better shape. It also contains other nutrients like vitamin A and E that reduces damage done by chemical hair care products. By so doing it can help relieve the skin f itching and sores appearing on scalp.
Olive oil can also act as a natural moisturizer. When applied on scalp, it helps moisturizes the scalp and reduces dandruff by preventing the dry and flaky scalp. As mentioned it contains vitamin E which is said to be a supper moisturizing agent.
Olive oil is also believed to contain antibacterial and anti-fungal properties that help fight against the common scalp and hair problems. This will include such things as dandruff, head lice and sores appearing on scalp.
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